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The gymnastic-sports role


Legislative Decree n° 217 of 13/10/2005, which regulate the new organization of National Fire Fighters' Staff, has also established the roles and the numbers of the National Fire Fighters' Staff (Table A).
The competences of the Gymnastic Directors and Executives are indicated in the articles 59/67; the Staff is composed by 13 units, as shown in the following table (derived from the above-mentioned Table A of Legislative Decree n°217/2005):

Staffing provided by Legislative Decree no. 217/2005




Senior Executive


First Executive





Assistant-executive Manager


Gymnastic-sports Director

Gymnastic-sports Assistant-Director


In a first analysis, the same decree, at the article 158 (special competition) provided a special competition for exams and qualifications with 8 jobs offered for the access to the status of  gymnastic-sports Assistant-director, which is reserved to the staff with technical and operational roles of the National Fire Fighters, in possession of qualifications prescribed in the article 62, paragraph 1, letter d (master's degree in physical education or sports, except any other name in the application of the regulation on the didactic autonomy of universities, approved by Decree of the Minister of Education, Minister of University and Minister of Research on 22/10/2004, n°270, in implementation of the article 17, paragraph 95 of the Law of 15/05/1997 n°127), and a long service of at least seven years.
At the end of competition procedures described above, therefore, the directors and executives¿ staff on duty with a gymnastics sports role, are allocated in this way:
-    3 units to the
Sports Activities Office;
-    3 units to the
Professional Training Motor Area;
-    5 units to the
Regional Directorates of Fire Fighters of Calabria, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia, Piemonte and Sicilia;
At the moment the following positions are unoccupied:
-    2 units to the Regional Directorates of Fire Fighters of Marche (Ancona) and Campania (Napoli).

In the
Regional Directorates of Fire Fighters in which the position of the gymnastic-sports director isn¿t present, because it's not expected (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Molise, Puglia, Sardegna, Toscana, Umbria, Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige) or because it hasn't been assigned yet (Campania and Marche), and waiting for a desirable staff increase, regional contacts for sports activities have been appointed

Traduzione a cura - Università degli studi di Tor Vergata                      

Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

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